Recovery password

I am getting this error when attempting to enable BitLocker on the OS drive. amp#x200B; My imaging system is SCCM running a task sequence that enables BitLocker during the task sequence. amp#x200B; Since BitLocker is not enabling, I have been attempting to work the issue post imaging by enabling BitLocker via Right Click on the drive and "Turn on BitLocker" amp#x200B; amp#x200B; ERROR MESSAGE I RECEIVE "Starting BitLocker You can't create both a recovery password and a recovery. I've got a SB1 from the device launch, which I've treated very well and never really had any major problems with. Lately, it's been showing a Bitlocker recovery screen occasionally when I wake the device by opening it and turning the power on. Up untill a couple of days ago, I assumed I couldn't use the device until I did the recovery, so each time I'd log into my MS account on a different device, get my code, punch it in, and continue using the device. Two days ago though, I was on an airpla. Hello, amp#x200B; i have a big issue with the recovery password emails. The web page says it sent me an email but nothing to be found in my gmail account. Weirdly enough, i tried a recovery password with an old, unused uplay account, using a gmail address just like my main one and it works as it supposed to be. amp#x200B; I tried pretty much everything i could find on line plus i sent a message to the ubisoft support facebook page, but got no answer. amp#x200B; How can i solve. Worked fine on 1709. Just created an 1803 image and plugged it into our existing TS - as soon as it reaches the Enable Bitlocker step it fails with the following: 'ProtectKeyWithNumericalPassword' failed (2147942405) Failed to create recovery password. Ensure that Active Directory is properly configured for use with BitLocker Access is denied. (Error: 80070005; Source: Windows) amp#x200B; If I change the image in the TS back to the 1709 image, the box rebuilds just fine with Bitlocker. Hello, I am automating the installation of BitLocker. As part of this task, a Recovery Password is being added.Instead of using the auto-generated password I want to provide my own password.However, not all password combinations seem to be valid. This command line fails Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint D -RecoveryPasswordProtector -RecoveryPassword '123456-123456-123456-123456-123456-123456-123456-123456' while this command line works fine Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint. I am trying to find some old messages I sent to someone. The old yahoo account is only giving me the option to recover the password via the phone number linked to the account. I have long since changed numbers and cannot even remember the digits to add on, nor have the phone to get the text if I did remember. The other account I had on aol that yahoo said it would send the code to was deleted by aol for inactivity. Those are my only two options for being able to recover a password. I never wanted to trust Bitlocker. I knew at some point I would lose data because of some MS issue. Well, it finally happened, to a VP's laptop of all things. 1803 update blue screened the machine, then after a reboot on startup it is locked and will not unlock with the password. Our keys are backing up to AD. The ID matches what is in AD and everything. However, it does not accept the recovery password no matter what method of access I attempt (unlock from prompt, unlock from cmd, slaved. Does the account recovery password you create expire when already used once? Thank you in advance for responses. Heya, Trying to start playing again after a year off and I cannot log into my old account. Do they expire? How do I reset my password etc.? Thanks in advance, Fitz Edit: Greendude sorted it out for me in like 5 min. What an absolute champ. I'm wondering if I got to keep remaking a recovery password to keep the recovery up-to-date or not. But I'm guessing it's synced to prevent save scumming on bad scouts. Just making sure so I don't lose months Bitlocker enabled laptop, now it boots straight to the 'enter recovery password' screen. No big deal - GPO enforces that keys are backed up in AD. Check AD, found several passwords, one with the same Password ID as displayed on the device. None of the passwords works. Copy gt Paste the password from AD to text file on USB, move to laptop, and try 'manage-bde -unlock C: -rp ltcopy paste from text filegt', doesn't work - "The password failed to unlock the volume" 'manage-bde -protectors. So I changed device over month ago, linked my account 1st, but didnt put game on new device straight away. Well, tried today and cant get it done. Im surely using right google email, and Im sitting there with password screenshot in front of me, yet it keeps saying failed to authenticate, what am I doing wrong? edit: error number. Old phone is totalled. Got a new one, downloaded the app and I couldn't log into my account. Says my recovery password is expired. I didn't know it would do that. Am I locked out forever? What can I do? I'm heart broken. Hello, i wanted to probe you guys to see if anyone has or is attempting this. I manage a RMM for a larger MSP and have been focusing on becoming more proactive. That being said i would like to be able to push some powershell down to each clients DC and set the DSRM Password. That way we have it documented in case of some strange tomfoolery. Doing some research i have found using ntdsutil is the only way (i could be wrong) and it is an interactive command. This led me to use powershell invoke-com. If someone personally know you. They may probably know most of your answers to your security question. Having a made up answer that only you would know is better.