Edge of sanity

I remembered when I used to huff acetone, so I figured why not try it again? So I grabbed a mask, one of those little masks they give you at the doctor when you have the flu, and I PILED on the rubber cement and inhaled that for 30 minutes. By the end of it I was hallucinating and getting weird thoughts, in sounds, like an alien language I've never heard before, and I didn't understand it. Than I picked up the bottle and started inhaling it right out of there. Now I should have stopped Here is an example of the build I'm referring to: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2GlMmqV Would a 1 hand/shield or dual wield WPS version of this build be possible based on the re-work of this item (https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/8414)? I'm not good at numbers/theory crafting but the new version of this item seems good, and for the longest time I didn't think anything could come close to replacing Mindwarp (https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/9465) as the melee aether weapon of choice. I thought it would be nice to get my dad a huawei watch 2 for christmas as he drives a lot and works on a building site so cant really have his phone out. I got him the bluetooth version because I’m cheap and dumb. He opens it and surprisingly loves it and everything is working great. The key feature here is taking calls on the watch over Bluetooth and it was really good with great range and everything. Then the watch updated to the latest version and everything went to shit. First the update.